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The next 20 – 30 years …

How do we maintain or improve our bodies & our brains, & therefore our output, whatever our specific plans? We are all different ages, in different circumstances, with very different histories…but, somehow we need to find some common understanding about the balance of what we put in, versus what we’ll get out. With the awareness that most of us don’t know how long we have … So, it does feel like a guessing game for many of us, & with the likelihood of living longer, but not necessarily with all our faculties, how can we be realistic about what to put in place…?

I don’t have any clear answers, sorry, though a sense of humour, a shed load of acceptance & humility, alongside a healthy dose of zest around challenging ourselves (appropriately) all seem vital! My ultimate view is that whilst we are still alive, our cells are renewing, therefore change is possible, healing is possible & brainpower is a huge part of how we go forward. I would say knowing yourself is another biggy, as there is no one answer that will work for everyone.

So, whether it’s me, friends & family, or clients, being kind to ourselves about how we’ve lived our lives until now, is a great place to start. After that, eat well (for you), do a little strength work for your body (& brain), stretch a LOT (if you’ve mainly done cardio & strength based exercise), & have a loving chuckle at the end of each day if you’ve failed!

In honesty only YOU can decide how interested or committed you are to making changes that may (or indeed, may not) pay off in the future…!! Best of luck, pick my brains, but don’t hit reply, send me an email through this link…

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