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Arriving ‘satiated’…

Over the years, I have learnt to factor in time for a cuppa before I go anywhere, something to eat before I go out, & a moment to pause before I leave the house, so that when I arrive at an appointment (any appointment), my needs have been met… This, of course, does not mean nothing happens en route, & I’m not suggesting I always succeed, as many of you who know me, will know!!

But… for me, it’s about ‘margins’, having something in reserve, rather than suffering temporary burnout because life just threw a curved ball when I had nothing left… I guess I used to give everything, before I was a mother, then ‘refuel’ in whatever way was required, when I had the space, but once my son arrived, I realised this just wasn’t possible! I am a hare, as opposed to a tortoise (important life learning through Aesop’s Fables), so my natural way is to dash about, then lie down, praps even, have a nap, & I have been this way for decades! If you are more steady or ploddy with your energy, your need to drink, eat or pause to take stock may not be as great…

However, I would suggest, as we get older, & life continues to get more non-stop, this is a smart approach even if you are more of a tortoise. And, I think we change at different stages of our lives, or, in different situations, depending on what’s required.

I used to arrive in dire need of a cuppa, or at a restaurant, where the food would take well over an hour to arrive (niceties, ordering etc), by which time I was fit to drop, now I aim to arrive ‘satiated’, making me a much happier bunny! See if it works for you… I’d love to hear about it…

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